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AAS-CA Welcomes Mr. Younan Lazar

January 21, 2023

Assyrian Aid Society of Canada was pleased to welcome the President of Assyrian Aid Society-Iraq (AAS-Iraq), Younan Lazar, to our first event on January 21, 2023. Mr. Lazar discussed the current situation affecting Assyrians in the Iraqi homeland, provided updates on the work AAS-Iraq has accomplished in 2022, and took questions from the Assyrian-Canadian community on how we can do our part to help support the immediate needs of our people.

We extend our appreciation to Mr. Younan Lazar for his time spent with AAS-Canada, for providing consistent updates on the living conditions of Assyrians back home, and for helping to identify priority needs needed to continue supporting our community.

It has been a pleasure to see the work that's being done by AAS-Iraq, and we look forward to more collaboration and to continue to support their success in the future.

Additionally, we want to thank the former AAS-Canada committee for their attendance yesterday, and for their continued support during the transition of our new AAS-Canada committee. We recognize their dedication and will continue to learn from them as we transition into our roles.

Thank you to all of our supporters for their participation and generosity

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