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About Us

Our Mission

The Assyrian Aid Society of Canada (AAS-CA) is committed to supporting initiatives which focus on sustaining the ethnic identity and survival of the indigenous Assyrian people in their homeland. Through these efforts, we aim to raise awareness on humanitarian issues affecting the living conditions of Assyrians in their ancestral lands, with the objective of coordinating relief responses for recovery. We also strive to preserve and promote their ancient cultural heritage by engaging with Assyrians in the diaspora to foster strong ties with those remaining in the homeland.

About Us

The Assyrian Aid Society of Canada (AAS-CA) is a not-for-profit organization that was founded on August 4th, 1992, as designated by Ontario provincial guidelines. 

AAS-CA is a volunteer-based organization whose Directors and Co
mmittee Members do not receive any salary or compensation for their services. 

Although an independent organization, AAS-CA shares common objectives with Assyrian Aid Society organizations that are located in Iraq, United States of America, Australia, and Sweden. These objectives include focusing on efforts that promote ethnocultural continuity for the indigenous Assyrian people in their ancestral lands. 

AAS-CA was established to mobilize humanitarian relief efforts for As
syrians during the Gulf War. The Assyrian Aid Society - Iraq (AAS - Iraq) was established in 1991, and formed from a number of pre-war refugee relief organizations. AAS - Iraq coordinated their efforts with other international and local charitable organizations as well.

AAS - Iraq’s humanitarian programs quickly spanned to include food, medicine, and aid distribution to remote Assyrian villages, as well as the establishment of mobile medicine clinics. Their village rehabilitation programs supplied agricultural tools and utility efforts that provided streams of income to Assyrians, maintaining their ability to support themselves and independently thrive in their indigenous lands.

AAS - Iraq was granted Special Consultative status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in 2011. In February of 2016, the Assyrian Aid Society of Iraq was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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